NSTA's Project for an Energy Enriched Curriculum
The Project for an Energy-Enriched Curriculum (PEEC) reported was a long-running effort at infusing energy/environment/economics (E/E/E) themes into the K-12 curriculum. While it was conducted as a single integrated effort by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), it is supported by a series of contracts and grants, during the period 1976 to 1984, from the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) and the US Department of Energy (DOE).
Final Report, full of summaries, good info, etc:
The Energy We Use. (Grades 1 & 2)
Project for an Energy-Enriched Curriculum. 1977.
This instructional unit contains a set of nine lessons on energy for grade one. Each lesson contains complete teacher and student materials. Reading skills and language experiences are reinforced in each activity. The lessons cover such topics as energy from food, energy from the sun, fossil fuels, the wind, moving water, and energy conservation. The children examine things such as cereal grains to learn about food energy, make clay dinosaurs to get some idea about the formation time of coal, oil, and natural gas, and become part of a pinwheel parade showing the energy in wind. (BB)
Community Workers and the Energy They Use. (Grade 2) (2-3)
Bloch, Lenore, Chris Hatch, Olivia Swinton, et al. 1977.
EDM-1030. 80pp.
This instructional unit for the second grade is intended to stimulate the child's curiosity to know more and to grasp relationships through a blending of ideas about energy with a study of the effect of the use of energy on the livelihood of people in the community. There are four lessons in the unit. The first, Introduction to Energy, deals with the question, "What is energy and energy conservation?" The second lesson, Community Workers Who Work Directly With the Sources of Energy, discusses farmers, grocers, food processors, oil workers, gas station attendants, and meter readers. The third lesson is entitled Community Workers Whose Work Depends on a Continual Supply of Energy. The fourth lesson is Community Workers Who Make Decisions About Energy. Each lesson contains complete teacher and student materials including background readings, objectives, teaching strategies, and suggestions for extending the learning outside the classroom. (BB)
Energy and Transportation. (Grade 3) (3-5)
Project for an Energy-Enriched Curriculum. 1978.
http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED167402 (draft)
This publication is part of a series of instructional units produced by NSTA's Project for an Energy-Enriched Curriculum. This unit presents the variety of transportation modes and tries to assist students in understanding the effects of transportation on their world. The main concern of the unit is with fossil fuel consumption. The seven activities presented here also include topics of pollution and transportation history. (MR)
Networks: How Energy Links People, Goods, ana Services. (Grades 4 & 5)
Johnson, Bette, Olivia Swinton, et al. 1978.
' HCP/U 3941-0005.
66pp teacher's manual plus 32pp student guide.
1978 Version: http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED153859
1979 Version: http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED182180
The purpose of this unit is to investigate a simple energy network and to make an analogy with similar mutually supporting networks in the natural and man-made worlds. The lessons in this unit develop the network idea around a simple electrical distribution system that we depend on and also into further consideration of electrical energy itself. The network idea in the later lessons emphasizes the interdependence of the man-made network for producing and distributing electrical energy and the natural ecological network. In the final lesson, the consuming end of the network is examined and some strategies for consuming electrical energy are examined. Students should learn that energy networks such as the electrical circuits are a necessary part of modern life. They are also expected to learn about sources, conversions, and uses of electrical energy. There are six lessons in this fourth- and fifth-grade unit. Complete teacher and student materials are provided. (BB)
Bringing' Energy to the People: Ghana and the U.S. (Grades 6 & 7)
Lendsey, ' Jacquelyn L. , Bette Johnson, Olivia Swjnton, et al. 1978.
29pp teacher's manual plus 20pp student guide.
This instructional unit contains four classroom lessons dealing with energy for use in grades six and seven. The overall objective is to provide students with a comparative overview of two basic energy concepts: energy is a basic need in all cultures; and energy use affects the way people live. In the lessons, which can easily be integrated into studies of world cultures and physical geography of the world, students compare Accra, Ghana, with the Washington, D.C. area in terms of climate, geographic location, energy dependence, and services that meet their needs. The four lessons developed by teachers are: (1) A Geographical Picture of Two Cities; (2) Tracing the Sources of Electric Power in Ghana and in the Washington, D.C. area; (3) Two Transportation Systems: How Are They Alike? How Are They Different; and (4) How Is Electricity Used In Two Different Cultures? The second lesson can also be taught in science courses. Students construct climagraphs, analyze and interpret fact sheet maps and bar graphs, answer questions about highway and road maps, and examine case studies. A time allotment varying from one to four classes for each of the four lessons is suggested, but will probably vary depending on student interest and ability. Each lesson contains complete teacher and student materials background information for the teacher on the topic under study. (Author/RM)
Two Energy Gulfs. (Grades 6 & 7)
Lendsey, Jacqueline L., Arthur Goldman, Chris Hatch»f et al. 1979.
47pp teacher's (? manual plus 44pV> student guide.
This text, which focuses on coastal oil production, the countries and the people involved, is designed for use in upper elementary science, social studies, or math courses concerned with energy-related topics. The first half of the text is the Teacher's Guide. It presents an overview of the main ideas for each lesson, strategies for implementation, objectives, materials, and answer keys to student worksheets. The second half is the Student's Guide, including maps, graphs, worksheets, vocabulary, and articles to read. The unit introduces the methods by which oil is extracted from the Persian Gulf region and the Gulf of Mexico region. Transportation by super tankers, energy needs of the people of both regions, and oil production is discussed. A comparative approach to the people of each region stresses the diversity of cultures and is intended to expand children's views of culture. The interdependence of people and energy is emphasized. (SA)
Mathematics in Energy. (Grades 8 & 9)
Brown, Evelyn, Lois Lut£fe, Charles Durr, et al. 1978.
54pp teacher's manual plus 56pp student guide.
This publication is part of a series of instructional units produced by NSTA's Project for an Energy-Enriched Curriculum. The teacher's manual and the student guide for a mathematics unit in this series are presented here. This unit attempts to teach students some necessary mathematical skills needed to understand quantitative facts about energy. A pre/post test is given in the teacher's manual. Five activities are given along with problems in: (1) fractions; (2) decimals; (3) percents; (4) graphing; and (5) energy applications. (MR)
Energy, Engines, and the Industrial Revolution. (Grades 8 & 9)
Childs, Barbara, Arthur Golcfrnan, Bette Johnson, Leon Scipio, et al. 1977.
37pp teacher's manual plus 41pp student guide.
This instructional unit for grades 8-9 combines science and social studies in a look at the broad social and economic upheavals that took place during the industrial revolution, giving special emphasis to the role of energy. The invention and development of the steam engine is highlighted in one lesson. Other lessons show how the industrial revolution affected the location and growth of cities around sites of energy sources, and give greater understanding of the effects of technology on the daily lives of people. There are five lessons in all, two relating to science and three to social studies. Complete teacher and student materials are included. (BB)
Transportation and the City. (Grades 8 & 9)
Childs, Barbara, Arthur Goldman, Bette Johnson, Leon Scipio, et al. 1977.
23pp teacher's manual and 19pp student guide.
This instructional unit for grades eight and nine tells why and how American small towns declined as a result of the availability and acceptance of automobiles, and it tells of the growth of suburbs and their effect on the city. The learning activities also relate the story of the demand for cars and explain the drain on the cities' sense of space, clean air, and safe streets. In one of the lessons, the students simulate a court trial on the charge - "The Car Has Done Permanent Injury to Humanity." There are four lessons in this unit. They are designed to fit into existing segments of instruction in U.S. history and civics courses. Complete teacher and student materials are provided. (BB)
Energy Transitions in United States History. (Grades 8 & 9)
Brown; Evelyn, /Arthur Goldman, Bette Johnson, et al. 1979..
60pp ^teacher's manual plus 57pp student guide.
1978 Verision: http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED157818
1979 Version: http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED179374
This unit is intended to give students an understanding of the influence that various sources of energy have had on culture and on understanding of the effects of energy change. Physical properties of wood, coal, and oil are examined, and the ability of these substances to give heat is considered. Students practice the mathematics necessary to understand energy conversion. (Author/RE)
Energy in the Global Marketplace. (Grades 9-11)
Brown, Evelyn, John Day, Arthur Goldman, Kenneth P. Weeden et al. 1978.
39pp teaclier's manual plus Upp student guide.
This instructional unit contains six classroom lessons in which 9th, 10th, or 11th grade social studies students examine the effects of competition among nations and world regions as demand for oil outstrips supply. The overall objective is to help students understand the concept that energy is a commodity to be bought and sold like any other commodity but in a marketplace that is a global one. The lessons were written by teachers and can be integrated into social studies, economics, world history, contemporary issues, and world geography courses. The lessons are: (1) Why Some Nations Use More Energy; (2) Energy: Who Has It; Who Needs It?; (3) From Those Who Have To Those Who Want: The Oil Trade Routes; (4) What If...Everyone Wants More?; (5) Retrodollars: The Problem of Too Much Money; and (6) The Oil Price Game -- Everybody Plays (A Simulation Of The World Market for Oil). The activities in which students are involved include analyzing maps, graphs, and charts; answering questions based on short reading selections; and playing games. Each lesson can be taught in one classroom period. All teachers and student materials are included. (Author/RM)
Western Coal: Boom or Bust? (Grades 9-11) (11)
Day, John, Kenneth P. Weeden, et al. 1979
36pp teacher's manual plus 34pp student guide.
This unit uses energy choices to raise questions about the energy option of coal available to the nation along with attendant advantages and disadvantages of this option. The unit introduces locations of coal deposits in the U.S. and their types. Emphasis is on relatively unexploited deposits in the western United States. Comparisons are made between western coal and that of the east. Heat and sulfer content are discussed. Possible boom town effects are discussed in the context of development of resources. Strip mining controversies are examined. (Author/RE)
Agriculture, Energy, and Society. (Grades 10-12)
Brock, Phyllis, Johrj Day, Gloria Hill, Andrew * Pogan, et al. Revised by Emmet Wright -and -Robert Snyder. 1978.
59pp teacher's manual plus 48pp student guide.
This interdisciplinary instructional unit contains eleven lessons for grades 10-12 which focus on the energy component of food production. There are lessons which contrast food production systems in various cultures and also lessons which look at different systems and techniques in use in this country. There are lessons dealing with organic farming and with the use of wild foods. Each lesson gives an overview, target audience, objectives, materials, time allotment, and teaching strategies, in addition to student worksheets. (BB)
How a Bill Becomes a Law to Conserve Energy. (Grades 10-12) (9, 11, 12)
HCP/U 3841-10. Project for an Energy-Enriched Curriculum. 1977.
59pp teacher's manual plus 54pp student guide.
This instructional unit for secondary school students is designed to integrate facts and concepts of energy, environment, and economics into the study of the process of making and applying a law (the fifty-five mile-per-hour speed limit law). The unit contains activities on the legislative process designed to fit into traditional segments of instruction in U.S. history, government, or civics courses. Activities containing learning exercises on constructing and interpreting graphs and tables are suitable for science or mathematics courses. The activities are intended to encourage interdisciplinary teaching. This unit contains complete teacher and student materials including a pre-test, background reading, objectives, teaching strategies, and suggestions for evaluation. (BB)
U.S. Energy Policy: Which Direction? (Grades 11 & 12)
Christensen, John W. , Robert Snyder, John Day, Kenneth P. Weeden et al. 1980.
blpp teacher's manual plus 134pp student guide.
This instructional unit for use in 11th and 12th grade social studies and science courses contains six classroom lessons dealing with United States energy policy. The overall objective is to help students understand how circumstances, present and proposed legislation, political action, and the Constitution itself become linked in the development of a national policy. The lessons, developed by teachers, are: (1) The Nightmare Life Without Fuel; (2) How Can the United States Reduce Its Dependence on Foreign Oil?; (3) The President's Powers: Where They Come From and How They Are Used; (4) Advantages and Disadvantages of Coal; (5) Toward the Future: The Advantages of Having a National Energy Plan; (6) An Energy Policy is Born. Activities in which students are involved include discussing the short reading selections; analyzing graphs and research; and analyzing a case study dealing with President Carter's energy policy. The time needed to teach each lesson varies from one to three classroom periods. All teacher and student materials are included. Also included for the teacher's reference is a brief summary of President Carter's energy policy. (Author/RM)
"The first 15 classroom packets (as listed earlier) were published and distributed free of charge by the DOE. By 1981, it was clear that this practice would not be followed for the remaining packets.
In a modification to the final grant (#DE-FG05-81ER102$4) NSTA proposed to repackage the lessons from all the classroom packets by grade level and discipline. There are seven "collections," one each at the K-3 and 4-6 grade level, separate social studies and science collections at the middle school/junior high (7-9) level, and three collections at the high school level In social studies, physical, and life sciences. Since this different format is closer to the usual textbook presentation, it was our belief that our chances of finding private sector support to publish them independently are greater. NSTA has circulated a proposal for support to energy companies based on this repackaging. We are presently negotiating conditions to bring one of these, the high school physical science collection, into final manuscript form and have it printed and distributed by NSTA. If this publication is successful, we will publish other volumes of the collections.
Final Report, p30: "In 1977, ERDA put out an RFD for an "Energy Education Materials Development" project. With the PEEC experience and mechanisms, NSTA with the National Council for the Social Studies cooperating, was the successful bidder. Four teaching units were developed, one each for science and social studies at the 4, 5, and 6 level and at the 7, 8, and 9 level. These units, as specified in the RFP, dealt with energy conservation, fossil energy, nuclear energy, including fusion, and solar energy."
How We Make Energy Work. Grades 4, 5, 6 Science.
Project for an Energy-Enriched Curriculum. ,1980.
DOE/CA/06083-02. Oak Ridge, TN: DOE Technical Information Center.
Intended for grades 4-6, science.
The Energy Dome. Social Studies Packet-Grades 4, 5, 6.
Project for. an Energy-Enriched Curriculum. 1980.
The Energy Future Today. Grades 7, 8, 9, Social Studies.
Project for an ^Energy-Enriched Curriculum. 1980.
Intended for grades 7-9 social studies.
Energy Systems ~ Present, Future ("Extraterrestrials"), Grades 7, 8, 9,/Science.
DOE/CA/06083-03. Oak Ridge, TN: DOE
Technical Information CeViter.
Project for an Energy-Enriched Curriculum. 1980.
Intended for grades 7-9 science.'
Energy Education Workshop Handbook: A Guide to Materials by the Project for an Energy-Enriched Curriculum.
Carey, Helen H., Ed., 1978
This handbook is designed to help teachers, supervisors, club leaders, and in-service directors lead workshops in energy education. It is based primarily on materials produced by Project for an Energy-Enriched Curriculum (PEEC), but can be modified for use with other materials. The handbook contains six chapters including: (1) Introducing the PEEC Packets; (2) What Are the Facts Behind the Energy Crisis; (3) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching Energy; (4) Infusing Energy Topics into Traditional Subjects; (5) Adapting PEEC Materials to Regional Interests; and (6) Workshop Planning Aids. (Author/RE)
Energy-Environment Mini-Unit Guide
Smith, Stephen M., Ed.; And Others, 1975
This unit is one part of a three-part National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) series on energy-environment. The goal of this NSTA project is to create a collection of mini-units that provide materials for science and social studies teachers in grades K-12. These materials are intended to make teaching more interdisciplinary and to stimulate decision making in young children. Activities are sought that will enable students to: understand and use existing fundamental concepts in the energy-environment area; identify and evaluate personal and community practices, attitudes, and values related to energy-environment issues; and make effective decisions and/or define their views of appropriate actions on energy-environment issues.
NSTA Energy-Environment Source Book
Fowler, John W., 1975
This source book, one part of a three-part NSTA series on energy-environment, is written for teachers who wish to incorporate material on the complex subject of energy into their teaching. This work is divided into two volumes, each with numerous tables and figures, along with appendices containing a glossary, mathematics primer, heat engine descriptions, and nuclear energy discussion. Volume 1 (Energy, Society, and the Environment) deals with energy and its relationship with conservation, the environment, the economy, and strategies for energy conservation. In Volume 2 (Energy, Its Extraction, Conversion, and Use), topics discussed include the rate of energy consumption, future sources of energy, and the increased cost of energy. (Author/CP)
Energy-Environment Materials Guide
Mervine, Kathryn E.; Cawley, Rebecca E., 1975
This publication, one part of a three-part NSTA series on energy-environment, is a sampling of current energy literature. The references are divided into four separate categories, each directed for a specific audience: readings for teachers, readings for students (grades 8-10); Readings for students (grades 5-9); and readings for students (grades K-6). Included in four appendices are guides for films and audio-visual materials, curriculum materials, sources of information, and government documents. (Author/CP
Fact Sheets, 30 on Worldcat:
On GPO.gov, Fact sheet (United States. Dept. of Energy)
1977 Versions:
1. Fuels from Plants (Bioconversion) -- COMING
2. Fuels from Wastes (Bioconversion)
3. Wind Power
4. Electricity from the Sun I (Solar Photovoltaic Energy)
5. Electricity from the Sun II (Solar Thermal Energy Conversion)
6. Solar Sea Power (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion)
7. Solar Heating and Cooling
8. Geothermal Energy
9. Energy Conservation: Homes and Buildings -- RECEIVED?
10. Energy Conservation: Industry
11. Energy Conservation: Transportation
12. Conventional Reactors
13. Breeder Reactors -- RECEIVED
14. Nuclear Fusion
15. New Fuels from Coal
16. Energy Storage Technology
17. Alternative Energy Sources: Environmental Impacts
18. Alternative Energy Sources: A Glossary of Terms
ONLY ONE ON ERIC: http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED157744
19. Alternative Energy Sources: A Bibliography
1. Biofuels
2. Burning Coal
3. Wind Power
4. Electricity from the Sun I: Photovoltaic
5. Electricity from the Sun II: Solar Thermal
6. Oil Shale and Tar Sands
7. Solar Heating and Cooling
8. Geothermal Energy
9. Energy Conservation: Homes and Buildings
10. Energy Conservation: Industry
11. Energy Conservation: Transportation
12. Conventional Reactors
13. Breeder Reactors
14. Nuclear Fusion
15. New Fuels from Coal
16. Energy Storage
17. Centralized Versus Decentralized Energy Production
18. Fuel Cells
19. Energy Technology
20. Energy Glossary
MICROCOMPUTER SOFTWARE -- see Final Report, pages 12-14, plus Appendix 6 for contracts and stuff
Edward C. Hall, Jr., Wayland High School Science Department, Wayland, MA 01778
Nature Study, v37 n3-4 p36 Mar 1984
During the summer of 1981, the National Science Teachers Association carried out Project for an Energy-enriched Curriculum (PEEC) with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. The project was based at Technical Education Research Centers in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and focused on materials appropriate to high school students. The overall goal was to create usable software packages that dealt with energy topics. The units now undergoing teacher review and testing are described below. All are intended primarily for high school and junior high school use, and some are also appropriate for use in junior colleges.
1. "Power Plant Engineer"
(TRS-80 and Apple II): This program is a simulation of an electric utility. The student will operate a system consisting of ten power plants in order to provide electric power throughout a given day. Success on this simulation is based on the number of points accumulated. Points are awarded for meeting demand without an excess, choosing the most inexpensive options, anticipating future demand, and adjusting for randomly occurring breakdowns. The simulation is complex and will require students to learn realistic strategies for operation of an electric utility.
2. "Energy Conversions"
(TRS-80 and Apple II): This program serves two purposes. First, it can be used as a resource base for students and teachers. The program will allow the user to make conversions from one energy unit to another (i.e., tons of coal to barrels of oil). The second part of the program calls for problem solving with the use of the conversion factors. Students are asked to set up problems based on fuel type, efficiency, fuel use, and energy produced.
3. "Personal Energy Inventory"
(TRS-80 and Apple II)
: Students learn about their own consumption of energy by using this program in combination with a survey of personal energy use. Students are asked to keep track of their energy use for a series of days. This includes transportation, heating, hot water, appliances, and other uses of energy. They enter the data from their survey into the computer each day. Then they can use the results to compare two separate days, or compare their use to local and national averages.
4. "Temperature Grapher"
(Apple II): This program utilizes a thermistor (temperature-sensitive) probe that plugs into the game paddle input on an Apple II computer. Students can use one or more thermistors to record graphically the temperature in a variety of laboratory experiments. Students can use this thermistors in many energy applications. For example, measurements of temperature inside a solar collector can be recorded and saved on the computer. Temperature changes of different materials can be recorded simultaneously by using two thermistors.
5. "Home Energy Savings"
(TRS-80 and Apple II): This is a game that can be played by one or more students. The object of the game is to make sensible investments in energy conservation in the home. In the process of playing the game, students learn about various insulation methods, storm windows and doors, furnace replacement, thermostat lowering, and other conservation measures. The program involves students in friendly competition for energy savings.
6. "Electric Bill"
(TRS-80 and Apple II): In this program students learn about the computation of an electric bill. The students can see the different parts to an electric bill and then learn the methods used for calculating a given bill. In addition to numerical computation, students can see the computations of various bills in a graphic form. Several rate structures are illustrated in this program.
Science Teacher, v56 n6 p94-100,102 Sep 1989
Reviews seven software programs... (7) "Electric Bill and Home Energy Savings." (YP)
Try Queue Inc, as 1990 distributor? http://www.qworkbooks.com/jdkcv.html
From this document:
Energy & Education, was born in the fall of 1977. Energy & Education is a bimonthly publication. In its five issues per year, energy educators can find out what is going on and who is doing what around the country. Readers are given a calendar of events, a list of free and inexpensive materials, an editorial from someone with something to say to energy educators, reviews of important energy books, and an energy facts page which keeps them up-to-date on data, etc. A free publication, Energy it Education began with a mailing list of 10,000, and the circulation grew to a high of 35,000 in 3une 1980. In the fall of 1980, we required, for Inclusion on our mailing list, that a reader fill out a questionnaire. The gamble paid off—by 3une 1981, we had recovered 15,000 of our readers. - — - DOE funding for Energy it Education was terminated in 3une 1981 In response to the reduced publications policy of the new administration. Motivated by our feeling for the importance of this newsletter, NSTA decided to try to continue Energy & Education on a subscription basis at $9.00 per year for the five issues. We began this policy with the October 1981 issue (Volume 5, No. 1) and have now produced three volumes on this self-sustaining basis. Its present circulation is about 2500. Energy it Education is in many ways our most important product. It is the one thing that gives a national image to energy education. It's a way for the science teacher, the social studies teacher, or the education manager of an electric utility or an oil company to say to himself, "I
belong to that group of people who call themselves energy educators," and to keep up with what is happening in the field. That it still exists in a self-sustaining fashion is strong evidence that energy education is now a stable part of the school curricula. NSTA will make every effort to continue its production.
Volume 7, Number 4, 1984 -- Includes Directory of Energy Education Materials
Possible other issues:
Ridgefield High School Library?
University of New South Wales has Vol 2, No 1 (1978) - v.5, No 2 (1982)
Kept going? Energy & Education, v10 n4 pD2-D15 Apr 1987
Another Journal: Journal of Energy Eduction, vol 1 #1
NOT ONLINE: http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED166025
The Regional Energy Education Network, REEN
The final step in the expansion of the early PEEC writing efforts into a full-fledged project was to establish our Regional Energy Education Network (REEN). Since PEEC had grown in stature to a national project, it was clearly important to us to have communication channels to educators in various parts of the country. We needed to find out from them what was going on in energy education there and to let them know about and assist in their use of our materials.
Correspondingly, early in 1978, we established a 24-person Regional Energy Education Network. Twelve of the representatives were NSTA district directors, and 12 of them were social studies people in the same regions. REEN members were, on the whole, quite active in their home regions. They established workshops, they provided a distribution point for the PEEC materials and other materials, and they sent back to us their guidance for what was needed to make energy education work. The benefit/cost ratio of the network idea was high enough that we were encouraged to seek private sector funding and expand it. We report on the National Energy Education Network project under in. "Related
Activities," below.
Posters and Pedagogy.
Fowler, John M.
Social Education, v46 n3 p158 Mar 1982
Discusses a special project of the National Science Teachers Association which will develop energy posters for classroom use. The poster "Energy Search" in this issue will be followed by a poster on "Solar Promise" in the April 1982 issue and a poster on "Nuclear Promise" in the May 1982 issue. (RM)
Article: http://energyeducationreferences.pbworks.com/w/file/PosterPedagogy.pdf
Energy Search: http://energyeducationreferences.pbworks.com/w/file/EnergySearch-Poster.pdf
Solar Promise: http://energyeducationreferences.pbworks.com/w/file/SolarPromise-Poster.pdf
Nuclear Promise: http://energyeducationreferences.pbworks.com/w/file/NuclearPromise-Poster.pdf
December 1978: First Annual Practitioners Conference on Energy Education
University of Maryland
Reported in 1/79 Energy & Education.
Late 1979: Second annual practitioners conference on energy education.
Rockford College in Rockford, Illinois
Hoffman, H. H., & Miller, F. G. (Eds.).
November 1980: Third Annual Practitioners Conference on Energy Education
White, Janet A., Ed.; Hofman, Helenmarie, Ed.
Tennessee Valley Authority's Land Between the Lakes conference center
December 10-12, 1981: Fourth Practitioners Conference
4-H Center in Washington, D.C., last of these events
DATES DIFFERENT? "4-H Energy Education Workshop (SD-29) : National 4-H Center, February 22-26, 1982"
The National Council for Energy in Education was a major outcome of last one (See III)
National Conference on Energy Education was held in Detroit on November 22, 1981.
simultaneously with the Annual Meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies
The International Energy Information Forum and Workshop for Educators, held June 10-12, 1982 in Gatlinburg, Tennessee
Final Report page 8: "With the change in publication policy of the new administration in 1981, no further packets have been published, and several have been withdrawn from publication. All the remaining classroom packets (the full set of 38 is listed in Appendix 4), however, have gone through the full PEEC developmental process described above and turned into the program office at DOE as finished manuscripts. NSTA owns the copyrights to the unpublished manuscripts and has made a considerable effort to find ways and means to get them into print."
Unprinted Packets (Appendix 4, p.169 of PDF Final Report, plus Fowler, "A Lot of Energy at the NSTA")
The Natural Laws of Energy [There's Enough Energy, So What's the Problem? 11-12]
Biofuels [Bioconversion 10-11]
Coal: Promise and Problems (6-9)
Nuclear Fission [Nuclear Energy 10-12]
"E" the Magnificant [Magician] (NK-1)
Energy: The Thread of Life (3-5)
Canada, Mexico and the United States: Energy Mix or Mix-Up? (6-9)
Energy Conservation as a Political Issue (7-9)
Energy for the Future (11-12)
Energy and Water (9-12)
Energy as an Investment Choice (9-12)
The Exponential Energy Century (9-12)
Less Developed Countries and Energy (9-12)
Appropriate Technology for Energy Production (9-12)
Energy Flows in Natural Systems (9-12)
Critical Thinking on Energy (9-12)
Fossil Fuels and the Greenhouse Effect (9-12)
Energy and the Automobile (9-12)
The Arithmetic of Energy Conservation (4-6)
Energy for Tomorrow (5-7)
Energy Conservation: An International Comparison (7-9)
Exploring for Energy (7-9)
Making Decisions About Synfuels (11-12)
Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth. Energy Lessons for the Physical Sciences.
Authors: Watt, Shirley L., Ed.; And Others
page 7: "This volume is a collection of lessons from the heretofore unpublished packets."
ONLINE: http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED282719
1) Is There a Crisis? [There's Enough Energy, So What's the Problem? 11-12]
2) The First Law of Thermodynamics
3) The Basis for Nuclear Power [Nuclear Energy 10-12]
4) Energy Resources and Technologies
5) Biomass Conversion Processes [Bioconversion 10-11]
6) How Are Synfuels Produced From Coal? [Making Decisions About Synfuels (11-12)]
7) The Second Law of Thermodynamics
8) How Automobile Engines Work [Energy and the Automobile (9-12)]
9) New Inventions and Improvements
10) Nuclear Power Plants: Design and Operation [Nuclear Energy 10-12]
11) Energy Quality
12) Ordering Energy by Sources and End Uses
13) What Determines Appropriateness? [Appropriate Technology for Energy Production (9-12)]
14) How To Get Better Mileage From Your Car [Energy and the Automobile (9-12)]
15) The Greenhouse Effect [Fossil Fuels and the Greenhouse Effect (9-12)]
16) Global Temperature Changes and Possible Effects [Fossil Fuels and the Greenhouse Effect (9-12)]
17) Use of Water in Coal Production [Energy and Water (9-12)]
18) Use of Water in Oil Shale Production [Energy and Water (9-12)]
19) Use of Water in Thermoelectric Power Plants [Energy and Water (9-12)]
Teacher Training Materials
From page 12 of PDF Final Report:
"NSTA convened a group of teacher educators from science, social studies, and mathematics in summer 1980 to produce lesson collections and suggestions for the use of PEEC materials in education "methods" courses. The participants in this writing session are listed in Appendix 2. [NOT THERE?] The five collections developed from that session are listed below.
Energy in Secondary School Science Teacher Education
Energy in Elementary School Science Teacher Education
Energy in Secondary School Social Studies Teacher Education
Energy in Elementary School Social Studies Teacher Educaiton
Energy Education in Middle/Junior High School Mathematics Teacher Education
They were used and revised the following year, but met with the same decision not to publish which has hampered our other efforts."
Playing with Energy: Classroom Games and Simulations
by Helen Carey McKeever, National Science Teachers Association
Energy Education in the Schools. Results of a Survey of the Penetration of Energy Education into the Classroom.
Janet A. White and John M. Fowler
An Analysis and Evaluation of the NSTA Energy Education Materials Produced by Project PEEC.
Kooi, Warren James
NOT ONLINE, BUT MICROFICHE: http://www.eric.ed.gov.proxy.lib.wayne.edu/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED178320
This thesis seeks to analyze the materials produced by the Project for an Energy Enriched Curriculum (PEEC). Specifically evaluated are the completeness and degree of bias characterizing the materials as an entity. In support of this end, examined are the nature and extent to which the materials treat future energy alternatives and the extent to which the materials satisfy criteria for effective energy education as expressed in the general literature of the field. An instrument was developed by the study to evaluate the PEEC materials. The study detected some variations in reading levels from those intended and detected slight but non-systematic biases in the energy future considerations. (RE)
Revlew and Evaluation of DOE Energy Education Curriculum Materials
Prepared by Battelle, Columbus, Ohio 43201, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of
The Status of State Energy Education Policy: Final Report.
Prepared for the Education Commission of the States by Energy Information Associates, Inc., Littleton, CO (provided through Grant #EU-78-G-01-6241 from the U.S. Department of Energy) September 11, 1978, p. 7.
The Federal Role in Energy Education in the U.S.A.
Duggan, Donald D.
NSTA's Energy Education. Focus on Excellence, Volume 3, Number 1.
Authors: Glass, Lynn W., Ed.
Eight examples of innovative and outstanding energy education programs are described. These programs were selected using state criteria and at least four independent reviewers. While Project Synthesis offered a desired state, these examples of excellence provided views of what is already a reality. The goals of an exemplary science program are provided along with the criteria for excellence. The programs described are: (1) "Pathways to the Future"; (2) "The Best of Energy--$1,000,000 Energy Challenge"; (3) "The Energy Management Center"; (4) "Energy Education at Houston's Outdoor Education Center"; (5) "The Energy Studies Center: Providing Skills For The Future"; (6) "Poss's Energy Posse"; (7) "Toward an Energy Consciousness"; and (8) "Energy Studies and Physical Sciences." Presented is a critique on excellence in teaching energy education. (KR)
ONLINE: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED328404
PEEC REPORTS AND ARTICLES -- NOTE: These are NOT online unless noted
Fowler, John M. "An Energy-Rich Curriculum—Help Us Evaluate It!" The Science Teacher, December 1976.
Education-Psychology Q1 .S46
Carey, Helen H. "Energy Is Elementary," Science and Children, May 1976.
Science and Children, 14, 8, 23-24, May 77
NLRF ordered
Kryger, King C. "Some Guidelines for Energy Programs," Today's Education. September/October 1977.
ONLINE IN: Energy and Education: Teaching Alternatives.
Posthuma, Fredrick E., Ed.
Fowler, John M. "The Energy Elephant," The Journal of College Science Teaching, November 1977.
Journal of College Science Teaching, v7 n2 p95-97 Nov 1977
NLRF ordered
Fowler, John M. "Energy: Present Problems and Future Potential," Science and Children, March 1978.
Science and Children, 15, 6, 13-7, Mar 78
NLRF ordered
Kryger, King C. "How to Harvest a Crisis: Teaching About Energy," Social Science Record, Fall 1978.
Fowler, John M. and King C. Kryger. "Vocational Education and Energy for the Future," VocEd, 3anuary 1979.
Energizing Vocational Instruction.
Fowler, John M.; Kryger, King, VocEd, v54 n1 p41-43 Jan 1979
NLRF Requested
Fowler, John M. "The Nuclear Equation," Voter, Vol. XXIX, #2, pp. 1-6, Summer 1979.
Hofman, Helen marie. - "The Role of Educators in Today's Energy Problem,"
Chemistry in the Two-Year College, Vol. XX, 1979.
Not in 1979 (XIX) or 1980 (XX): http://www.2yc3.org/Archives/
Fowler, John and Helen Carey. "Energy and the Social Studies: A Match That Works," The Social Studies. 1980.
Fellows, Julia A. "Energy and the Curriculum: An Infusion Process," Intercom, No. 98, July 1980.
Hofman, Helenmarie. "Energy Crisis--Schools to the Rescue Again," School Science and Mathematics, October 1980.
Carey, Helen H. and John M. Fowler. "Teaching Energy Issues in the Social Studies," The Education Digest, October 1980.
Fowler, John M. "A Lot of Energy at the NSTA," Contemporary Education. Vol. 52, No. 2, Winter 1981, pp. 73-77.
Fowler, John M. "Energy Education and the Environment," Environment, May 1981, pp. 40-42.
Hofman, Helenmarie and Lynn W. Glass. "Three Studies for Evaluating Energy Education Curriculum Materials,"
School Science and Mathematics. 3une 1981 [WRONG?]
School Science and Mathematics, v82 n6 p481-89 Oct 1982
Fowler, John M. "Energy Education in the United States," New Trends in Physics Teaching, 4, UNESCO series, to be published in 1984.
ONLINE, on p.144, with many other energy articles: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001368/136815eo.pdf
In French? http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001368/136816fo.pdf
Award Winning Energy Education Activities for Elementary and High School Teachers.
Carey, Helen H., Ed.
ONLINE: http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED159022
This publication contains descriptions of the winning entries to the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Teacher Participation Contest conducted in 1976. This was a nationwide contest for the design of activities around energy themes at any grade level, K-12. The ten winning entries described here are: (1) Energy Units for Primary Grades; (2) Aluminum Recycling Experiment; (3) Energy in Art and Energy is All Around Us; (4) Black Gold; (5) Energy, Economy, Education; (6) Local Investigation in Container Use; (7) Kill A Watt; (8) Idea: Designing an Energy-Efficiency House; (9) Solar Heating and Cooling; and (10) Living with Wind Power. Many of these winners are designed for the senior high school. Each one has included a brief summary of what the activity teaches, what the students do, and how the activity might fit into the existing curriculum. (MR)
Energy: The Surprising Decade.
Fowler, John M.
Science Teacher, v50 n3 p37-40,45-47 Mar 1983
Education-Psychology Q1 .S46
Power Plant Performance
Fowler, John M.; And Others
Environment, 20, 3, 25-32, Apr 78
Energy, Education, and the "Wolf" Criers
Fowler, John M.
Social Education, 40, 4, 245-56, Apr 76
Energy, Education and the 'Wolf' Criers
Fowler, John M.
Science Teacher, 43, 3, 25-32, Mar 76
Education-Psychology Q1 .S46
Entering a New Energy Age
Fowler, John M.
Science Teacher, 42, 8, 32-38, Oct 75
Education-Psychology Q1 .S46
Energy and the Environment
Fowler, John M.
Science Teacher, 39, 9, 10-22, Dec 72
Education-Psychology Q1 .S46
The Environmental Theme in Physics Education.
Fowler, John M.
ONLINE: http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED064056
Energy and the Environment. Second Edition.
Fowler, John M.
Energy Policy: Toward the Year 2000
John M. Fowler
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 1939-9154, Volume 25, Issue 7, 1983, Pages 7 – 39
Energy Education and the Environment
John M. Fowler
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 1939-9154, Volume 23, Issue 4, 1981, Pages 40 – 42
The Editorial Page
John Fowler
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 1939-9154, Volume 20, Issue 8, 1978, Page i
Power Plant Performance
John M. Fowler; Robert L. Goble; Christoph Hohenemser
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 1939-9154, Volume 20, Issue 3, 1978, Pages 25 – 32
Strontium 90: An Inventory
John M. Fowler; Steven A. Zemelman
Nuclear Information, 2155-1359, Volume 5, Issue 5, 1963, Pages 8 – 9
1961 USSR Test Series Through October 4th
John M. Fowler
Nuclear Information, 2155-1359, Volume 3, Issue 8, 1961, Pages 1 – 2
Books of Note
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 1939-9154, Volume 26, Issue 8, 1984, Page 27
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