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Page history last edited by Joel Rosenberg 4 years, 2 months ago

Energy Education References

This is a collection of resources developed for teaching kids about energy. It includes activities, articles, etc.



List from 1982 DoE K-12 Frameworks (K-12 standards with extensive bibliography at end)

2006 DoE Energy Edu Resources (for many years a printed book, now a web site)

List from Review 1976-1981 Article (1984 article with useful collection)


Other Energy References

Energy Experts Films (copied from a site)


Games, Sims, and VIz 

Academic refs -- How to teach energy

Education Standards


Energy Education Conferences (and other relevant conferences)

Energy Talks

Energy Conservation and Physical Plant Refs


Energy Literacy document from DOE: http://library.globalchange.gov/products/other/energy-literacy-essential-principles-fundamental-concepts-for-energy-education-high-resolution-booklet


"Resource Letter PSEn-1: Physics and Society: Energy" Art Hobson



DOE Energy Literacy Wiki:


FAQ: https://wiki.citizen.apps.gov/Energy_Literacy/index.php/Energy_Literacy:FAQ


DOE Home Energy Challenge: http://www.homeenergychallenge.org/Default.aspx

NSTA involved: http://www.nsta.org/publications/news/story.aspx?id=58802




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